

This release of Conquest II adopts the SQL Server Spatial Data component, which is not available in SQL Server 2005. Therefore an upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2 may be required before the Conquest II Installation.

When upgrading from V2.57b2 or earlier, the “Administrator Installation” option must be ticked to get files for:

      Scripts for upgrading the database

      The Report Patch to be applied, post-installation, to rebuild the Conquest Reports. For more details see Upgrading Reports

For details on installing Conquest II, see the Conquest Installation Guide.

Functional and Performance Enhancements

Conquest II 2.58a1 includes the following functional enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      Add Grouped Asset Cost Movement, Asset Depreciation Movement and Asset WDV Reports

      The Conquest II Installer has a label change on the Options page. Becomes “Administrator Installation”

      Action Response is now available on filtering of Requests

      The Code Editor form “Explorer to Fields Divider” is now movable

      The Contractors form “Explorer to Fields Divider” is now movable

      The ability to set a User Program to reference the TypeID from the Asset Type form that has the focus. See the User Programs Tab

      The Asset Explorer, right hand panel, now includes a Status column, which for Actions shows their state, such as “Issued”

      For consistency the labels on the Action, Request and Asset forms for Organisational Unit read “Organisation Unit”

      Field size for Inspector and Organisation is increased to 255 to stop Inspection Import failures

      The Asset Priority field is now selectable in a filter for the Cyclic Actions view

      Documents can now be attached to Contractors

      Use the Attribute Set's order field, for User Fields on the Defect Form

      Insert a Standard Inspection from the Asset Type form

      Query to check if an Asset has a Conquest Foresight Project nominated or related

      Queries to list Asset Inspections no longer fail, when selecting to view the Organisation and Inspection Type fields


      Permission to reverse Completion of an Action can now be restricted to Administrators by way of a new System Option “Only Allow Administrators to Reverse Completion of Actions”

      Approval can now be requested for completed Actions

      A new function called 'Reverse Work Order Issue' with the following business rules:

      It is only available to Administrators:

      It is only applicable to Actions where the Issue Date is set but the Action has not been completed

      It clears the Issue Date for the Action and any of its Sub Actions (checking that the Sub Actions have not been completed, in which case the entire procedure fails)

      It deletes any saved Snapshots or PDFs of the Work Order


      The Request form now has a Documents Tab


      The Asset Attributes now conform to the display order set in the Attribute Set

      Users with Read Only permission on an Asset are now allowed to add an Asset Inspection

      The Journal Entry form can now be used to Change the LastTran date only

      Defects can be created on  open Asset Inspections

      Field size for Inspector and Organisation is increased to 255 to stop Inspection Import failures

      UserName is now recorded, when an Asset Transaction is entered

      Replacement Cost fieldname in the list of fields to filter on is now displayed as Replacement Rate


      The Defects form has been rewritten to conform to the other Conquest II forms

Bug Fixes

      The Attribute set report now includes all the user fields

      When an Asset changes Asset Type with a different Current Icon the Asset Hierarchy Icon now changes immediately

      When viewing reports, the Close button in the Toolbar will now close the report

      In the Manage Master Action Form the first position sub-Action can now be viewed

      Copy and Paste in the Function Editor now works correctly

      New Transaction Types are now reflected in Post Valuation Transactions

      The new Find Tool no longer finds assets in disabled Facilities and can now be used from a Conquest Request Only installation

      Bulk Import for Logbook Actions works now