Asset Type Form - General Tab

Sample Asset Type.

There are a number of fields on this form that require explanation. The only one that is Mandatory is the Type Description field. The rest are optional and can be used as required.



Type Description

This is the description of this type of asset.

Type Id

This is a Unique Identity number generated by Conquest and shown in the yellow shaded field on the right of the Description

Attribute Set

Select an Attribute set from the drop down list. These Attribute Sets enable the user to define the Attribute and User Fields for this Asset Type. (An Attribute Set can be set up to be used by many Asset Types)

Details - General


Type Code

This is a Unique Hierarchy Code generated by Conquest and shown in the yellow shaded field on the Asset Type Details, General Section. It shows the Asset Type’s position in the Asset Type Hierarchy.

User Code 1 & 2

These are general purpose fields can be used to apply a code or reference to Assets of this type. The two codes could be from elsewhere in Conquest or from another application.

Risk Code

This is a drop list to assign the element of risk for this Asset Type.

Special Type

This field is used with the Road Surface Manager product only.

Standard, Safety, Regulatory and Maintenance Item’s

These are logic check fields that are used to identify an Asset as one or more of these items.

User Help URL

This field can record the path (pointer) or website address of any file that contains Help Documentation created by the organisation for Assets of this type. This is in addition to this standard Conquest Help Documentation.

 Asset Type Notes

The notes that recorded here will appear on all Assets of this type.

External Map Layer

Is used for Dekho Integration purposes

Details - Modelling


Deterioration Curve & Modeling Life

These are specifically for use with the Road Surface Manager product.

Details - Icons


Icons for Proposed, Existing and Disposed Assets

These fields are used to define the icons to be displayed in the Asset Explorer for the different life stages of an Asset of this type.

Details - Valuation


Valuation Item

Checking this box will enable any Asset of this type to be set as a Valuation Asset. For an Asset to be valued and to record any valuation data against it this box must be checked.Leaving this unchecked allows the Asset Type to be used for non-Valued Assets.

Depreciation Item

Checking this box will enable any Valuation Asset of this type to be depreciated and to record depreciation transactions.

Dimension to Value by

The dimension (1-8) that is used to calculate the replacement cost.  (Leave this empty if there is no single dimension that can be used. e.g. valuing a car or no of chairs).  If this value is set, the entry for the selected dimension is copied into the measurement field for the asset.

Unit of Measurement

Displays the unit of measure from the selected Dimension to Value by, if it has one. If not then a unit can be selected from the generic Units List.

Replacement Cost Rate

This is the Standard Unit Rate for this particular Type. When multiplied by the Dimension field it will give a Replacement Value for an Asset.

Renewal Cost Rate

The Renewal Cost, based on this rate, is  displayed on the Asset in addition to the Replacement Cost

Standard Life (Years)

This determines the predicted life of an Asset of this type from new.

Depreciation Method


Depreciation Rate (Per Annum)


Condition At End Of Life

This specifies the expected condition for the Asset’s End of Life.

Standard Residual (%)

The percentage specified here is used to calculate the residual value of an Asset at revaluation or purchase. The result of the calculation is displayed on the Asset form in the Assessed Residual Value field. As it is a calculation field, please enter 0.1 for 10%.

Valuation Cycle (Years)

This determines how often Assets of this type are revalued.

Preferred Basis for Valuation

This drop down list shows the list of differing methods of valuation. Choosing one will display on the Asset Form the method by which the Replacement Cost was arrived at.

Valuation Notes

For recording standard Valuation Notes.

Details - Interfaces



Enter the interfaces that have been configured in Conquest here. These interfaces will be applicable for Assets of this type. Refer to the Interface Editor for more information regarding configuration of interfaces