Accounts and Permissions

The Accounts and Permissions form provides administrators with the ability to add or remove users and the functions to which they have access.

The Conquest security model is based on User and Groups. Users who log in to Conquest are identified by their network username. Therefore, for a person to have access to the system, their network username must be registered in Conquest. Permissions can be given directly to Users but it is usually more efficient to give them to Groups and then give Users membership to a Group. The actual permissions that a User has, when using Conquest, are a superset of their individual and Group Permissions. When Permissions are set at the Asset Type level, they override the combination of User and Group Permissions. See Asset Type Security for more information

To access the User Accounts form, select Tools>Administration>Accounts and Permissions from the menu.

The User Accounts form shows all the registered Users in the list on the left hand side. Groups are shown below the Users. The selected User’s (or Group’s) permissions are shown on the right side of the form

General Permissions


Full Name

The full name of the user.


Administrators have complete access to the entire system.


Users can log in to the system.

Reserve Licence For User

Reserves a Conquest licence for the user to always be able to log in.

Requests Only User

Gives the user the ability to use Conquest Requests

Reserve Request Only Licence For User

Reserves a Requests licence for the user to always be able to log in to use Requests


This is the email address used to identify the sender, when emails are sent by Conquest using the Server Based Email option. See How To Use Email for more information.

Map User Type

Determines the type of access the user has to Conquest Map. The options are:


No access.


No access to the user interface. However certain functions such as map preparation for work orders are available.


Full access.


Allows a user to be associated with a Contractor, thereby limiting the functionality of the system based on Contractor permissions.

Allow Access to Inspection Programs

Gives the user the ability to edit Inspection Programs.



Object Permissions

Object permissions determine the general ability of users to edit or view Conquest information.




Determines whether the user can open the Asset Explorer and edit or view Assets.

Asset Valuations

Determines whether the user has sufficient access to change the valuation information in the system. Note that a user’s Valuation permissions will always be less than the user’s Asset Permissions

Knowledge Base

Determines whether a user can open the Knowledge Base Explorer and view or edit Asset Types, Standard Actions and Standard Defects. This also determines whether a user can edit or view the hierarchies (i.e. Location, Function, Organisation, Action Categories and User Hierarchies)


Determines whether a user can open the Code Editor and edit Codes.


Determines whether a user can view and/or edit Actions.


Determines whether a user can view and/or edit Requests.


Determines whether a user can view and/or edit Resources


      A User’s permission to edit Defects is rated higher than the user’s permissions to edit Assets and Actions.

      Asset and Action permissions are overridden by the User’s Asset Type permissions if set. See Asset Type Security for more information.

Report Permissions

This section determines which Report Categories a user is able to see.

Facility Permissions

Facilities are the top level Assets in the Asset Hierarchy. Selecting which Facilities are available to a user, will determine the Assets visible to the user.

Please note that, while this type of security is still functional, the Asset Type Security provides a more flexible security model.

Group Membership

This section allows the Administrator to give a user membership of any of the Security Groups.