Find Tool

Find Tool

The Find Tool is a quick way to locate a specific Conquest record.  It is available by

      Selecting Find from the Tools menu

      Clicking the Find button on the Toolbar

      Entering Ctrl-F on the keyboard

The following dialog will appear:

The dialog allows you to search for any of the main Conquest objects.

The following table describes how to use each of the search fields.



Search Field

This drop down list displays the relevant fields that can be searched on


This list has three items to choose from, each of which determines a different way for Conquest to use the ‘Find What’ value to filter the selected ‘Search Field’


Whole Field

The list resulting from the Find will include all records, where the entire Conquest data stored in the ‘Search Field’ exactly matches the data entered in the ‘Find What’ field


Start of Field

The list resulting from the Find will include all records, where the start of the Conquest data stored in the ‘Search Field’ exactly matches the data entered in the ‘Find What’ field


Any Part of Field

The resulting list will include any records, where any part of the Conquest data stored in the ‘Search Field’ exactly matches the data entered in the ‘Find What’ field

Find What

Enter the data required to match with the ‘Search Field’ based on the ‘Match’ field

Notes on the use of the Find Tool

      If the search results in more than one record, a list of all matches is displayed to select from.

      A single record match will be directly opened in its Conquest form.

      If the Find Tool is invoked from the Asset Explorer, only the Asset, Action, Defect and Log Book options are enabled.  If the search results in a single record match, the Asset Explorer hierarchy will expand to ensure the match record is shown in the Asset Explorer list and the record will be selected.

      The Find Tool remembers the Search Field and Match values from the previous search for each Conquest object.