

Asset Explorer

      Changed behaviour of Cut/Copy/Paste

It is now possible to move Disposed Assets in the Explorer.  This works in conjunction with the new Retire Asset Function.  In addition, the Cut/Copy/Paste functions in the Asset Explorer have been modified to include further validations.  This new functionality is documented in How To Move and Copy Assets, Action and Defects In The Asset Hierarchy


      Retire Asset

A new function has been created to Retire an Existing Asset.  This function is documented in How To Retire an Asset

      Address Fields In Asset Form

Address fields have been added to the Asset form.  See the documentation on Assets for more details.

Asset Types

      New icon styles for Proposed and Disposed Assets

See the documentation on Asset Types for more detail.


      Issue Work Order

The “Issue Work Order” function has been enhanced to support the attachment of selected, linked documents to the work order.  See How to Issue Work Orders for more detail.

Standard Actions

      New icon styles for Uncompleted and Completed Actions

See the documentation on Standard Actions for more detail.


      Archive Completed Defects

A new function has been created in Conquest Map that moves point objects from the Defect map layer to a layer that has been designated as a Completed Defect map layer.  See the documentation on Configuring Conquest Map for Defects and How To Archive Defects From Defect Map Layers for more information

Standard Defect

      Default Standard Action

It is now possible to set up a default Standard Action for a Standard Defect, so that when a Defect is created from that Standard Defect, an Action will be also be automatically created.  This functionality will be included in coming versions of Conquest Mobile, both Tablet PC and Pocket PC.  See the documentation on Standard Defects for more detail.

      New icon styles for Uncompleted and Completed Defects

See the documentation on Standard Defects for more detail.

      Defect Highlight Style

Standard Defects have been enhanced to support a highlight style for use by Conquest Map when preparing a map to include on a Work Order.  See How To Prepare a Map To Include A Work Order for more details.

Conquest Map

      Changes To Licensing

Conquest Map licensing has changed from a ‘Workstation’ model to a simpler ‘Named User’ model.  This means that users will have access to Conquest Map on all work stations once they have been allocated a licence.  This Licence Model better supports Citrix and Terminal Services implementation as it is possible to determine who has access to Conquest Map.  Previously, a site licence was necessary to install Conquest Map on Citrix or Windows Terminal Services.  In addition, a new ‘Hidden’ Conquest Map Licence class has been created to allow users to access functions that use Conquest Map without having access to the Conquest Map user interface.  An example of this is the inclusion of a map on work order which uses Conquest Map without presenting any user interface.  See the documentation on Accounts and Permissions for more information on how to allocate Conquest Map licences.


Conquest Map installation simply requires the installer to be run on the workstation.  It no longer requires you to run  the ‘Install Conquest Map’ option from the Tools>Administration>Optional Modules menu.  It is also no longer necessary to ‘Uninstall Conquest Map’ when moving the licence between workstations.

Master Action Changes

      Insert Master Action

The Insert>Master Action menu has been enhanced to support Standard Master Actions similar to the Insert>Action menu.

      Manage Sub-Actions

A new form has been designed to assist with the management of the Sub-Actions associated with a Master Action.  See How To Use Master Actions for more details

      Creating Master Actions From Lists

The process of creating a Master Action from a list of Actions has been enhanced.  See How To Create A Master Action From A List for more details.


      Inspections Tab

The Request form has been enhanced to show Inspections that are associated with the Request.  This tab will only be visible if Conquest Mobile has been used to link a Request to an Inspection.  See the documentation on Requests for more details.

      Added Completed By

A new CompletedBy field has been added to the Request form showing the user who completed the Request.  See the documentation on Requests for more details.


      New Logbook form

The Logbook form has been redesigned to improve usability.  See the documentation on Logbooks for more details.


      Support for Attachments

The email function in Conquest has been enhanced to support the inclusion of attachments with the email.  As a result, the desktop email function (as opposed to the Server email function) has been changed to utilise Outlook instead of the built in email function in MS Access.  See How To Use Email for more information.


      Emailing Log Files

After using the logger, the user is now presented with the option to automatically create an email addressed to the support contact as defined in the System Options with the log file attached.  See the documentation on the Conquest Logger for more information.

User Options

      Show Warning On Close

This option allows the user to set whether a prompt will display when clicking the ‘Close’ button in the top right corner of the application window.  See the documentation on Explorer Preferences for more information.

System Options

      Close Conquest if system references cannot be established at startup

This option allows the administrator to determine whether Conquest will continue to operate if the link to Conquest Reports or the UserInterface is not established at startup.

      List of Default Comments on Device When Completing an Action

This option applies to Conquest Mobile Pocket PC Edition and allows the administrator to select User Codeset for use on the device to simplify the creation of Completion Notes when completing an Action on the device.

      URL of Dekho Server

This parameter holds the address of the ESRI Dekho server.  It is required for the Conquest -Dekho integration.  As such it only appears, when a licence of the Conquest-Dekho integration has been installed.

See the documentation on System Options for more information.

Conquest Mobile Options

      Response Date must be entered when completing an Action.

This option applies to Conquest Mobile Pocket PC Edition and forces the user to enter a value in the  Response Date field at completion.

See the documentation on Conquest Mobile Options for more information.

Bug Fixes

Field Validations

Fixed a bug that caused the asset save validation to fire each time a field validation was fired on the Asset form.

Inspection Programs

Fixed a bug the caused the selected filter in the Inspection Program to change when the Filter dialog is opened.  This could cause the user to inadvertently change the selected filter for an Inspection program.