Conquest Mobile Options

The section contains settings for the operation of Conquest Mobile. It is only available to Administrators.



Force Defects to be linked to an Action

This option ensure that all Defects recorded in Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition are linked to an Action

Force Actions to be linked to a Defect

This option ensure that all Actions recorded in Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition are linked to a Defect

When selecting the Severity of Defect

This parameter has two choices

Show all severities

Show only those severities that have been allocated a response time. In this case, the contents of the list of severities will change depending on the priority of the Asset being inspected

Allow Proposed Assets To Be Downloaded

This parameter controls whether Proposed and Existing Assets or just Existing Assets are downloaded to Conquest Mobile.

Include Scheduled Standard Actions

This option determines whether Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition displays Scheduled Standard Actions in the list of Actions

Show Standard Defect Fields

This option determines whether the Defect fields (Action Category, WorkRequired, Monitor, Element, DefectCondition, Priority, CostEstimate and Material are displayed in Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition for data entry

Force Defects to be Mapped

Switching this option on will ensure all Defects recorded in Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition are recorded with a corresponding point on a map.

Assign Rejected Web Actions To

This option is used to allocate an organisational unit to whom any Web Actions will be assigned if they are rejected by the field officer to whom they were originally assigned

Clear Actions on CMPPC After Upload

This option controls whether Web Actions are cleared from the device after they have been completed and uploaded.

List of Action Offices on Mobile Device

This option sets the user list which is used on Conquest Mobile Pocket PC Edition to allow users to select the Actioning Officer. This entry is recorded in the CompletedBy field.

List of Default Comments on Device When Completing an Action

This parameter is a user list with a series of common comments which may be used when completing a Web Action on Conquest Mobile Pocket PC Edition.

Response Date Must Be Entered When Completing an Action

This option forces the user to enter a value into the Response Date when completing a Web Action on Conquest Mobile Pocket PC Edition.