Conquest Logger

The Conquest Logger:

      Lists all the libraries used by Conquest and their versions

      Tracks and records a variety of information including all SQL statement as they are made in the system in response to functions run by the user.

The file that is recorded by this function is stored in the [Application Folder]\Log folder. The file has the name Conquestlogyymmddhhnnss.log and can be very useful when identifying the cause of errors.

Therefore if you experience a Conquest error and report it to your Conquest support they may ask you to repeat the error while running the log.

To use the Conquest Logger:

Step 1.       Select Help>Conquest Logger.

Step 2.       Use the system as normal

Step 3.       Select Help>Conquest Logger again to deactivate the logger. You will be prompted whether you wish to email the log file to your support contact.