How To Use Master Actions

About Master Actions

A Master Action, for example a “Road Reseal Program”, with Sub-Actions created for the road segments to be resealed, and the whole program managed on one Work Order.

The process for managing this is to:

      Create the Master Action

      Create the Sub-Actions assigning each to the Master

      Produce a Work Order on the Master to list all of the Sub-Action’s to be performed

      Optionally Issue and complete each of the Sub-Actions individually

      Once the project is finished the Master Action can be used to complete all of the Sub-Actions, which will, if their Finish Date is empty, be given the Finish Date of the Master Action.

The Related Items tab shows all the Sub-Actions assigned to this Master Action.

Managing Sub-Actions

Managing the Sub-Actions that belong to the Master Action is done by selecting the Action>Manage Sub-Actions menu choice.  This shows the following form:

The top list in this form shows the Sub-Actions that already belong to the Master Action.  To remove a Sub-Action from the Master, check box in the left column of the relevant Sub-Action and click the Remove button.

The bottom list shows Actions that can be added to the Master Action as Sub-Actions.  There are three options for filling this list:

      Show Actions that belong to the Asset to which the Master Action belongs.

      Show Actions that belong to the Asset to which the Master Action belongs or any child Assets.

      Show Actions based on the selected filter.  The list of filters is the list of User Views available to the user.

Note: the Sub-Actions list excludes Actions that:

      Are Master Actions

      Belong to a Master Action

      Are locked, based on the “Lock Actions At” setting in the System Options

      Have been created from a Request and have not been allocated to an Asset

Completing Master Actions

When Completing a Master Action all the Sub-Actions are listed and can be completed in the same process as shown below.

Changing the Completion Date for the Master Action will also set the Completion Date for any Sub-Actions that have not had their Completion Date.  Checking the Completed flag on the Master Action will also check the Completed flag for all Sub-Actions.  Please note that completing the Master will always complete all Sub-Actions.

Refer to Actions and How To Complete An Action for more information about Actions.