How To Issue Work Orders

Conquest’s work order functionality provides the organization with the capability to issue formal instructions for each Action.

To issue a work order:

Step 1.       Open the Action for which you want to issue a work order

Step 2.       From the Action menu, select Work Order.

The work order selection dialog is displayed as shown below

Step 3.       Select the Work Order Format that you want to use for the work order.

Step 4.       Click the Preview button to preview the work order.

Step 5.       Select any documents that you wish to include with the work order.

Step 6.       Select the method by which you wish to issue the work order, either Printer, Email or None.

Step 7.       Click Issue

Things to be aware of:

      The Work Order Dialog will open with the Work Format preselected to the format selected in the Action’s Standard Action

      The Work Order Dialog will show any documents related to the Asset, Asset Type, Action and Standard Action.  Any documents marked to include in Work Order in the Standard Action’s document list will be pre-selected

      If email has been selected as the method of issue, the email will be addressed to

      The Contractor if the Action has been assigned to a Contractor and the Contractor’s email has been entered

      The email associated with the organisation unit that has been assigned the Action

      If “None” was selected as the method of issue, the Issue Date of the Action will be set and the snapshot of the Word Order will be saved.

      If email has been selected as the method of issue, a Microsoft Access Snapshot of the work order is created and attached to the email.  In addition, all the selected documents will be attached to the email.

      If print is selected, only PDF documents will be printed with the Work Order.  (Please note that either Acrobat or Acrobat Reader must be installed on the work station.)

      When a work order is issued, a Microsoft Access Snapshot of the Work Order is created and saved in the Work Order Folder as specified in the System Options

A new function on Actions is available in Conquest II 2.58a1 called 'Reverse Work Order Issue' with the following business rules:

      It is only available to Administrators:

      It is only applicable to Actions where the Issue Date is set but the Action has not been completed

      It clears the Issue Date for the Action and any of its Sub Actions (checking that the Sub Actions have not been completed, in which case the entire procedure fails)

      It deletes any saved Snapshots or PDFs of the Work Order