How To Move and Copy Assets, Actions and Defects In The Asset Hierarchy

The Asset Explorer provides comprehensive functionality to move and copy Assets, Actions and Defects within the Asset hierarchy.  This is achieved through the use of the Cut/Copy/Paste tools on the Conquest Explorer toolbar, which work in a similar way to the standard Windows Cut/Copy/Paste functions. For those without a background in Windows computing; Cut is the first part of a Move operation, Paste is the second part of both a Cut and a Copy operation.

In Conquest, think of Cut as Move. Move and Copy result in different things and depend on the Conquest Business Rules, which control what can be moved and what can be copied, and how much the data is changed in the process. Something that is allowed to be moved ends up in a new location, largely unchanged. Something that is allowed to be copied has a full or partial copy made of it in a new location but the original remains unchanged.

To move or copy an item in the Asset Explorer:

Step 1.       Select the object(s) to be copied or moved.  To select multiple items in the list pane of the Explorer hold down the Shift or Ctrl keys, while selecting the items

Step 2.       Select the Cut or Copy button as appropriate on the toolbar.  Alternatively use Ctrl X (cut) or Ctrl C (copy)

Step 3.       Select the new parent in either the hierarchy or list pane of the Explorer and click the Paste button or use (Ctrl V)

Here are the Conquest rules on moving and copying items in the Asset Explorer