
Logbooks are mainly used for Assets that generate maintenance due to usage such as vehicles, pumps etc. Logbooks are created individually and can then be assigned to any number of Assets. The first Asset a logbook is assigned to becomes the master Asset for the logbook. It is assumed that the readings recorded in this Logbook are for the Master Asset and any other Assets assigned have their maintenance scheduled according to this master.

It is possible to edit existing Logbook entries but it is important to understand the impact this may have on any pending Logbook Actions for an Asset. There is a System Option that determines whether only Administrators or User with edit permissions on the relevant Asset can edit existing Logbook readings.



Log Book Description

A name for the Logbook is recorded here this would generally be similar to the name of the master Asset.

Log Units

A drop down list for the unit type that the readings are for. (e.g. Km, hours)

User ID

A field for recording a User Id for this Logbook if desired


A Checkbox to specify if the readings will be entered cumulatively or not.

Other Readings

Other readings can also be recorded in a Logbook. The Heading names and units of Measure for these readings are defined here and will subsequently be displayed alongside the Date and Reading headings at the bottom of the form. Up to 15 additional readings can be recorded in a Log Book.

Log Notes

Any Notes you wish to record about this Logbook.


The Readings recorded for each log entry made, used to generate Service Actions. New readings are made at the bottom of the list. It is also possible to import readings in bulk, see Import Log Book Readings

This form lists all Assets that are assigned to this logbook and the next Action due for them. The Next Action Due can be changed by selecting from the drop list and then changing the due date and amount. Any Asset can be assigned to a logbook but only Assets that have been assigned standard logbook actions will generate any actions.

Log Entries can also be automatically imported and the appropriate actions generated. Refer to Import Log Book Readings.

Refer to this page for info on configuring Standard Log Book Actions.