How To Create an Action

Actions are the primary business objects of the works management system for Conquest.  Whenever work is performed on an Asset, an Action should be recorded.  The association of Actions with Assets provides a Works history for each Asset.

An Action can be manually created on any four other Conquest objects, from a Request, Asset, Action or Defect.  Actions can also be generated from a logbook, Standard Defect, by a Cyclic or Repeatable Action.  (See the How To on; Logbooks, Manage Defects, Cyclic Actions or Repeatable Actions)

To manually create a new Action; follow these steps:

Step 1.       To create an Action from a Request, select Create in the Action tab on the Request form.

Step 2.       To create an Action from an Asset or Defect, select the Action menu choice from the Insert menu.

Step 3.       To create an Action from an Action, select the Action option from the Insert menu.  The new Action’s description will include the word “Succeeding” and will be Related to the existing Action.

Step 4.       If the Action has been created from a Request then the Action needs to be assigned to either an Asset or an Asset Type.  Selecting the button at the right end of either the Asset or Asset Type descriptions does this.  This will open the appropriate hierarchy from which an appropriate entry can be selected.  Actions created on Assets or Defects will already be assigned to the appropriate Asset.

Step 5.       Alternatively when creating an Action from an Asset or Defect a Standard Action can be selected.  The Standard Actions for this Asset will be visible in the Insert Action list directly under Action.  Select the relevant Standard Action from the list to apply the pre-configured Standard Action information to this new Action. Standard Actions and How To Set Up Standard Actions

Actions created from Standard Actions may be edited substantially over time. Should any of the changes be common to other Actions yet to be created from the same Standard Action then they should also be applied to the Standard Action itself, as soon as possible.

A standard Action can be reapplied to an Action that was created from it at an earlier time. In this case a limited number of fields can be selected to retain their values rather than revert to values in the Standard Action. Any user fields and Cost data added to the Action since it was created will be erased, when the Standard Action is reassigned.

Step 6.       If an Action is created on an Asset that is still under warranty then a warning will appear stating this.  The Action can still be created if desired; this is just notification in case some other Action needs to be taken.

Step 7.       If an Action is created from a Standard Action then it will have some field data prefilled, automatically. If not then all field data will have to do be entered manually. See Actions Reference

Step 8.       Once all relevant Action data has been recorded then a Work Order can be created.  Select “Work Order” from the Action menu and select the appropriate Work Order from the list for Issuing. See How To Issue Work Orders

Step 9.       When the work has been finished the Action should be completed.  Select “Complete” from the Action Menu and fill in the form as required. See How To Complete An Action

Things to be aware of:

      Selecting Action Categories for Actions will give access to a variety of User Fields and the Contractors list.  The Action Category will need to be defined first. See How To Set Up Action Categories or Action Categories and

      To delete a Succeeding Action that was created in error, select it in the Asset Explorer and press the delete key

      Ensure that Resources have been configured before attempting to assign them to Tasks. See How To Set Up Resources

      Changing a Standard Action e.g.:

      Adding a new Task and Resource Assignments

      Editing another Task

      Deleting a further Task

      Will, when re-assigning the Standard Action to an Action that was originally created from it, add the new Task and Resources but not apply the edit and deletion

      The Action Type pick list has a number of different entries that could be broken down into three types of Actions:

      Scheduled and Unscheduled Actions are “day to day” Actions, which mean they are created and managed as needed, and apply to general maintenance activities

      Cyclic and Logbook Actions are generated by a type of repetitive schedule; these are generally applied to Assets that require regular servicing or maintenance. See How To Configure and Use Cyclic Actions and How To Use Logbook Actions

      Valuation Actions; Purchase, New Works and Disposal.