How To Manage Defects

Managing Defects

Defects are Conquest’s method for recording individual breakages or failures on Asset’s.  Typical Defects might be a pothole in a road surface, broken window on a building, cracked seat on a swing seat, etc.  These Defects may or may not affect the overall condition score recorded for an Asset but need to be identified for remedial works.

When creating a Defect on an Asset, the Defect will be assigned its own inspection date and assigned to the Asset.  You can view which Defects were collected in which inspection through the Inspection tab.

The information recorded on a Defect should be detailed enough to prioritise the Defects for repair.  Standard Defects can help in setting priorities and response times.  Once deemed to be ready for repair an Action would be created from this Defect.  This Action could contain any number of Defects to repair and when completed would mark all linked Defects as completed.

Typical Defect Management Process

      Download a filtered set of Assets to Conquest Collect/Mobile for Inspection.

      During normal inspection process log any Defects found against appropriate Asset in Conquest Collect/Mobile.

      After Inspection Upload Conquest Collect data to main Conquest System.

      Run a previously prepared View that display’s uncompleted Defects for a particular class of Assets (i.e. Footpaths).  Use information from Defect to prioritise or sort the Defects.

      Determine Defects to be repaired, select and Create Action for Issue.  (The created Action will be assigned to the Lowest level common parent in the Asset Hierarchy )

      Issue Action to Contractor/Works Crew for repair.  When finished return to the Action in Conquest – complete and all assigned Defects will be marked as complete (repaired).

For more Details in creation and configuration of Defects and Actions refer to How to Work With Defects, Actions and Requests.