How To Configure and Use Cyclic Actions

Cyclic Actions are Actions that are generated at regular calendar intervals (e.g. every 6 months).

To configure Cyclic Actions; follow these steps:

Step 1.       Create a Standard Action for the appropriate Asset Type.  Select Cyclic as the Action Type and in the two cycle fields that have appeared assign a cycle (e.g. 6 months).  (Refer to the notes on Standard Actions for more details on creating Standard Actions.)

Step 2.       When creating the Standard Cyclic Action if Create Cycle Automatically was checked then all Assets of this type will have a started cycle.  Otherwise this cycle will be available to be started individually on each of the relevant Assets.  (Refer to Cyclic Action Initialisation for more details on this.)

Step 3.       There are two ways of finding out what Actions are due and generating them.

a.   Select Cyclic Actions from the Tools menu.  Create a filter that uses filters for the Cycles due in the near future for the Assets required.  (eg DueDate Less Than the End Of This Month and TypeCode a Descendant of 03)  (Refer to the reference section on Filtering for more details.)

b.   Open the relevant Asset and select Cyclic Actions from the Asset Menu.  This will open a form showing the current and inactive Cycles for this Asset.  (Refer to Cyclic Action Initialisation for more details.)

Step 4.       Select the Cycle that you wish to create an Action for and select Create or Issue.  Issue is the preferable method as it will create and print/email the Work Order in one step.  However, additional configuration necessary to ensure the ‘Issue’ method is successful.  This includes:

a.   Setting the Work Order format in the Standard Action

b.   Setting the issue method and recipient (i.e. organisation unit or contractor) in the Cyclic Action Details.

Step 5.       Once the Issue or Create process is run the Cycle Action process will reset the due date for the next Action based on the configured cycle.  This may be modified in the details section for each particular cycle.

Step 6.       The details form allows the editing of the due date, cycle and method of Issue for this particular cycle.  Refer to the Reference Section of Cyclic Actions and Cyclic Action Details for more details.

Things to be aware of:

      For the Issue button to print a work order ‘Print’ needs to be specified as the issue method on the form Cyclic Action Details and a Work Order Format on the Standard Actions form must be set.

      For the Issue button to create an email this needs to be specified as the Issue method and an organisational unit member or contractor needs to be assigned on the Cyclic Action Details form.  In addition, the Work Order Format should be selected on the Standard Action form.

      When setting up the filters for Cyclic Actions, it is wise to include the due date in the filter (e.g. Due date is less than today).  This is so that the filters displays what is due now or alternatively at a particular point in time.