Action Categories

The Action Categories form is used to categorise a range of similar Actions into groups.


To add a new entry, select the parent then click Add.  A dialog will appear asking whether the new Action Category will be at the top level of the hierarchy. If not, the new Action Category will be a child of the currently selected Action Category.



Category Description

The name of the Action Category. This name appears on the Action form if the Action has been assigned to an Action Category.

Category Code

Is a Conquest generated code number to determine this Action Category’s position in the hierarchy.

Attribute Set

this is the Action Attribute set which defines the user fields available for this Action Category

User Fields

The user fields are defined in the Action Attribute section of the Attribute Set Editor. There are 30; text, number, date, check and list fields that can be defined per Attribute Set.  When an Action has been assigned to an Action Category, the defined fields will be available for data input.

Copy Down Button

This will copy down all specified fields to the children categories.