How To Use Logbook Actions

Logbook Actions are used to record the amount of usage of Assets such as Vehicles and Pumps.

To set up a Logbook, apply the following steps:

Step 1.       Create a Standard Logbook Action for the relevant Asset Type.  These are created as any other Standard Action (see Standard Actions) but with this additional requirement:

    When a Standard Action is defined as a logbook Action Type, fields for Log Action Value and Prompt Value are made available to be filled out as appropriate (e.g. 5000 in the Action value and 100 in prompt value for a service that occurs every 5000km and will be flagged as ready 100km earlier).

Step 2.       In the Asset Explorer select the Asset for which you wish to create a Logbook and select Insert >> Logbook.  Ensure that the Asset is assigned to the Asset Type for which you created the Standard Logbook Actions. 

Step 3.       On the Log Detail screen record the appropriate details about the Logbook.  More than two readings can be recorded on a log book.  To define these extra readings, enter the labels for each in the Other Reading section of this form.  The labels will appear as headings together with the Reading and Date headings. The Log Readings tab records the readings as they are entered and the Assets tab displays the Assets assigned to this logbook and their next due data.  (Refer to the Reference Section on Logbooks for more detail about this form).

Step 4.       When a usage reading becomes available for the Asset’s Logbook, record it in the Log Readings section.  If the reading is equal to or greater than the next due reading, less the prompt value, then a message will pop-up asking if the due Action is to be created.  If affirmative then a Logbook Action will be created for the Asset, if negative no Action will be created but the message will reappear the next time reading is entered until an Action is created. (Refer to the How To notes on Actions for further detail on the Action).

Step 5.       Even though readings can still be recorded, another Action cannot be created until this Action has been completed.  When this happens then the Next Action value will be calculated, based on the Standard Actions defined, and the appropriate Standard Action will be shown to be due at the next reading.

Things to be aware of:

      A date can be entered in the Next Due date field.  This will cause the Action to generate at either the log value or this date whichever comes first

      When an Asset has multiple Standard Logbook Action’s defined, and more than one of these comes due at a particular point then the Standard Action with the highest log Action value takes precedence (e.g. for 5,000 and 10,000 Standard Actions only the 10,000 would generate at 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 etc, the 5,000 would be generated at 5,000, 15,000, 25,000 etc).  Therefore any instructions from the other Standard Actions should also be recorded in the highest Standard Action so nothing is missed

      When setting up the Standard Action remember to record a Log Action Value.  If this isn’t done then Conquest will not be able to calculate the next due Action for every 0 or null hours/km