How To Create a Request

The Customer Request Form provides the means to record the details of any request for work.  This can be an external request from a customer or an internal request between departments.  From such a Request any number of Works Actions can be created to record the actual work performed.

To create a new Request; follow these steps:

Step 1.       Either select the Request option from the Insert menu or click on the Create New Action Request button on the tool bar.

Step 2.       Fill in the Request form with information provided by the customer. See the Request Form for specific details.

Step 3.       Email the Request to the assigned staff member to arrange for the work to be performed.

Step 4.       The assigned staff member will use the Find Tool to locate the Request by the Request Reference ID field included in the email.

Step 5.       The assigned staff member will select the Actions tab on the Request form to see details of any Actions already assigned to the Request.

Step 6.       Select the Create button to start a new Action from the Request.  See the ActionForm and also How to Create an Action.

Things to be aware of:

      The Organisational Structure must be set-up first to allow a Request to be assigned to the relevant staff member.  See the Organisation Editor.

      The Email Merge must be configured before any emails can be sent.  See the Email Merge Editor.

      To make effective use of the Request features some Frequent Views for un-completed or overdue Requests assigned to them will need to be created.  See the View Manager.

      By using the Relate Requests functions on the Request or Action forms, multiple Requests can be linked to one Action and multiple Actions linked to one Request. For more detail see Relating Requests