How To Use The Email Merge Editor

The Email Merge Editor is used to design a template for the Email message that will be sent when a Request or Action is assigned to an Organisation Unit, or when a Work Order is issued

To set up an Email template type in the textual data and insert any fields you wish to appear in the Email message:

      The Action Reassignment / Work Order / Request Reassignment tabs define which Email template you are editing

      The Subject text field is for recording a standard subject for the email.  Available fields may be inserted here if desired

      The Merge Text Box is where you type your message and insert the fields

      The Available Fields List shows all the fields that you can insert into your message.  The fields allowed are defined by whether you are setting up an Action or a Request Template

      Note: If the user does not have the correct permission setting on the registry value called "Compatibility Flags" which is in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{3B7C8860-D78F-101B-B9B5-04021C009402}, the Merge File form will be blank.