How To Use The View Manager

The Views Function is used to create lists of data that meet specified criteria.  The data that is returned is based on which Tab that has been selected at the top of the Form (Asset/Action/Request/Defect).  The data that is returned is displayed in text format.  In this format, all decimal numbers are rounded to two decimal places.  The Query Builder can be used to view numeric data more accurately.  The Criteria is configured in the bottom half of the form and is detailed in the Creating Filters How to page.

Once the criteria have been determined the Browse button will display a resulting list.  Each item on this list can be selected by clicking the relevant line in the first column.  By double clicking or by clicking the select button the appropriate data screen will open.  This allows the user to interact with the items selected (e.g. if the View was for uncompleted Actions then each one could be opened and then completed using the normal conquest process’s)

Administrators have access to the View Fields function on the View screen.  This allows selection of the Fields/Columns that will be displayed to the Resulting data list.  Note these fields are the same for all views so the selection should be fairly generic (i.e. for Assets it might be AssetID, AssetDescription, AssetType and ConditionPoint)  The theory is that there should be enough data in the list to identify the Asset/Action etc. and if further detail is required then it can be opened via the Select button.

All Views created here are assigned to the logged in user and are only available to that user.  An exception to this is the System views that can be created by an Administrator – these are available to be browsed by all users but not edited.

The Frequent view check box is used to give access to this view in the droplist on the main Conquest Screen.  This is so that commonly run views for this user can be run without having to open the View Manager.  Commonly these would be views run by the user fairly often (e.g. Uncompleted Actions assigned to me, Assets to be inspected this week, etc).

The Attribute Set and Action Categories selectors enable the view to be filtered by these criteria before any other user defined criteria takes place.  These functions are where Conquest defines User Fields for Assets and Actions so to have the labels as defined by the user appear in the Criteria lists, beneath, either/both would need to be selected first.  Otherwise the Criteria field lists will contain the field names as defined in Conquest i.e. dimension1, usertext1, userlist1 etc.

Some Typical Views

This is a list of some typical views with a description of what the Criteria may be.

      Uncompleted Actions – An Action View Where Completed is False

      My Uncompleted Actions – An Action View Where Completed is False and OrganisationCode is Equal to “Me”

      Assets to be inspected this Month – An Asset View Where Next Inspection is less than or Equal to the End of this Month

      Worst Condition Road surfaces – An Asset View where Type Code is a descendant of “Road Surfaces” and the Condition Point is greater than 7 (assuming a score of 0-10)

      High priority Defects – A Defect View where effect Priority is Equal to “1 – High Priority”