Organisational Units

The Organisational Hierarchy can be used to assign an Asset, Action or Request to a particular section or individual in your Organisation.

To add a new entry you would select the parent then click Add. This will add a default entry to the hierarchy until the addition is closed and saved.



OBS Name

This is the name of either the Divisional/Business Group or Individual that this entry refers to.

OBS Code

Is a Conquest generated code number to determine this entries position in the hierarchy.

User Field 1

A field for storing any user information desired.

First Name

Can be used to record the First Name of an Individual. This can be useful in personalising any email's to this entry.


The Email address of this entry. You can put more than one if you wish, by separating them with a semi-colon, so that the email goes to more than one person.


A memo field for recording a large amount of text.