Conquest Data Object Forms

Open and View or Edit a Conquest Data Object Form with:

      Left-click on a Recently Used List item

      Left-click on a Favourites List item

      Left-click from a Conquest Explorer; Asset or Asset Types

      Double-click a Conquest Data Object in a Conquest List, which might be from:

      A Data Tab of another Form

      A Find Result List

      A View Result List

      A URL embedded in an e-mail or other document

The result is the Data Object displayed in a “Tab Form” in the Information Window.

In the “Tab Strip” beneath the Form Header, Left-click the ‘Information’ Tab to View or Edit sub-categories of Object-specific Data, by left-clicking anywhere on the grey “Expander Bars” to expand or collapse them individually. Handle them as a group with the “Plus – Minus” buttons on the right of the Form, above the vertical slider bar:

Left-click any of the other Tabs, which contain lists of events or sub-items, relevant to the Conquest Data Object being worked with.

Things to be aware of:

Conquest Object Data Forms “remember”, per User, how the “Expander Bars” were arranged when the form was closed.

The Asset Form has a thumbnail image in the Form Header on the left, derived from the “topmost” of any image files recorded for the Asset in its Documents Tab. Otherwise a generic icon is used.