The Favourites List

You can put an item into the Favourites List:

      From any Conquest Form that has the ‘Add to Favourites’ Task, or

      “Drag and Drop” it there from the ‘Recently Viewed List’

You can resume working with any Favourite by Left-clicking it, for example a View of current Condition Inspections due, might be something that you open every morning.

If your Favourite is one of the following Data Objects, you can right-click it for a Pop Menu of Tasks:





You can remove an item from your Favourites List:

      “Drag and Drop” it to the Recently Viewed List

      Unpin it with its “Unpin” button

You can arrange your Favourites by “Drag and Dropping” them into a preferred sequence.

Things to be aware of:

When you Unpin or Drag-drop a Favourite to the Recently Viewed List, it takes its chronological place in the list, provided that the numerical position is not greater than the limit specified in the Personal Preference Options, ‘Number of Recently Viewed’, in which case it will drop off the list.

When the Favourites List is empty, a ‘Recently Viewed List’ item cannot be “Drag and Dropped” in, it must be “pinned” in. After that, “Drag and Drop” is available.