Report Wizard

The Report Wizard is a tool for creating simple reports in Conquest e.g. various listings of Assets by selecting data from the Assets, Asset Types, Functions, Location and Organisational views. Data can be grouped and summarized over financial and other numeric data that the report is designed to access. All reports generated by the Report Wizard operate in conjunction with the Conquest Filter Builder.

Output from a Wizard Report can be exported to Word or Excel. All Reports generated by the Report Wizard may be further modified using Microsoft Access 2010. In this way the Report Wizard provides an excellent foundation from which more complex reports can be built.

Starting Conquest Report Wizard

      Select Report Wizard from the Tools/Wizards menu.

      Or, click the Report Wizard button on the Report Selector Form.

Note: Ensure that all other Conquest Forms are closed before running the Report Wizard.

Steps to create a report:

Step 1.       Page Setup

Step 2.       Attribute Sets

Step 3.       Field Selection

Step 4.       Grouping

Step 5.       Report Designer

Step 6.       Sorting and Summary Info

Step 7.       Naming

Step 8.       Completion