
Reporting in Conquest III is by way of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. See Reporting Services Set Up. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us at Conquest Support to assist you further.

Reports consist of:

      The Conquest Standard Reports Package

      Your own Reports, developed yourselves, often using a Conquest Standard Report as a template, extended to be more specific to your organisation

      Conquest Data Object Specific e.g. From the Asset Form click the Asset Report task then select a suitable Report

      Work Orders, are included in the Standard Package or Developed yourselves, using a Standard Work Order as the template

Note: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services depends on Database Statistics to provide best performance. We recommend that Database Statistics are recalculated for the entire Conquest Database, at least once a year.

In addition to traditional report outputs, Conquest provides alternatives with the flexibility of:

      Views. See How To Use The View Manager for details

      Queries. See How To Use Queries for details

See How To Use Reports Views and Queries for how to use all Conquest reporting techniques.