Reporting Services Set Up

Conquest 3 Reports run on SQL Server Reporting Services. See Report Server for details.

Things to be aware of:

      The process of installing Conquest III for the first time includes:

      Upgrading the Conquest Database with the appropriate script provided by the Management Console

      Using the Management Console to refresh the System Objects for the new database version

      For Kerberos Application User Pass-through to work for Reports, the Application Server must delegate the ‘HTTP’ service of the Reporting Services server

      Microsoft Reporting Services does not default to use Kerberos Application User Pass-through authentication. See the Prerequisites section on Application User (pass-through authentication)

Custom Reports:

      Are managed mostly in the Report Manager:

      New Custom Reports can be created in Reporting Services and then used within the ‘New Report’ and ‘Upload Definition’ Tasks

      Custom Reports can be deleted with the ‘Delete Report’ Task