Main Menu and Navigation

The Main Menu is always available from the Hamburger Icon at top-left of the Main Window with:

      A tap, to slide a menu in from screen-left

      A Finger Swipe in from the left-edge of the Main Window screen

The Main Menu provides access to app configuration options as well as the user Stash.


On desktop devices, the Main Menu also contains the navigation tools with the different methods for accessing Conquest Data Objects, each with their own page. On mobile devices these are accessible from the Toolbar at the bottom of the screen on a mobile device or within the Main Menu on a desktop:


      Asset Explorer

      Recent Items


      Map Views

As you move from method to method with a Tap, or with a Swipe, the Header Title changes accordingly and the page content is refreshed.

All of the methods provide you with one or more selectable Conquest Data Objects e.g. Asset, Action, Request, to open in a Form and work with it.