
You can find one or more Conquest Data Objects e.g. Asset, Action, Request.

In this example, an Asset:

      Tap the Data Object picklist

      Tap ‘Asset’

      Tap the Assets | Asset ID field

      Tap the Equal To operator

      Tap in the “Find Box”, to use the device keyboard to enter an AssetID

      Tap the Find button

For physical Assets with Barcodes recorded on them, you can find their Conquest record with the Find Tool by:

      Tapping the Barcode button:

      Which opens the Barcode Scanner:

      Scan the Barcode, to open the Asset Form, for the Asset with the Barcode

A barcode generator utility is available at

You can retrieve a list of Data Objects. In this example some Assets:

      Tap the Assets | Asset Description field

      Tap the Contains Text operator

      Tap in the Find Value field and use the device keyboard to enter three or more, consecutive characters common to the Asset Descriptions you are interested in

      Tap the Find button

      Work through the resulting Asset List

The behaviour of this Asset List is the same as any other View List.