How to Use the Import Manager

Step 1.   If the Import Manager doesn’t provide you with a way to do what you want, do not attempt to use non-Conquest tools to make changes to Conquest data. Talk to Conquest Software Support.

Step 2.   Make sure that you know what warnings or messages you would get from Conquest III, if you were making your changes with the Conquest Forms. The Import Manager expects that you do know.

Step 3.   Have your Conquest Administrator set you up with Edit permission on the data you want to Import e.g. Assets.

Step 4.   Construct your CSV file with all of the necessary column headings and data, as described in Setting up a CSV File. For specific rules about the columns required, to Import data to a Data Object, and the order of those columns, see:


      Replacing Assets

      Importing Actions




      Log Book Readings

      Risk Events

Step 5.   Open the Import Manager from the ‘Tools’ bar of the Navigation window

Step 6.   Click on the Import Task for the type of data you are importing e.g. ‘Import Actions’, which will open a file window.

Step 7.   Select your CSV file.

The Import Manager will check your CSV file to make sure that it is properly structured and reject the entire file for bad structure or duplicate IDs.

If the file is good, the Import Manager will process it, so that:

      All rows of valid data are accepted

      All rows of invalid data are rejected, appended with a message giving the reason, and can be output to a new CSV file

Step 8.   Periodically check the progress bar of the Import Header.

Step 9.   If there are errors, use the ‘Output to CSV’ Task to create a new CSV or TXT file for data correction and removal of the error column, before re-importing

Step 10. After performing the ‘Output to CSV’ Task, use the ‘Remove’ Task

Things to be aware of:

The Import Manager goes through your data twice:

      Checking for validity of its structure. Failure of any of the following will reject the entire file:

      Column headings must be correctly named

      The data in the column under a heading is valid

      The file cannot contain data for both new objects and object updates. Separate files are required

      There can be no repetition of repetition of Object Ids

      Process as much of the data into Conquest as it can, reserving the Rows of rejected data , appended with a message giving the reason for rejection. The reserved rows are available for you to output to a new CSV or TXT file for correction and removal of the error column, before re-importing

If the Editor and EditDate columns are included in an Import file, they will be ignored.

If an Import is interrupted by a power failure, it will resume when the Conquest III Web Server is restarted.

Do not reuse the Bulk Data file for an Import that has successfully created new Objects in Conquest, unless it is intended to duplicate those Objects.