Importing Risk Events

You need to be familiar with the general rules on building CSV files for Bulk Data. See Setting up a CSV File|topic=Setting up a CSV File; document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx.

      Make the first column AssetID:

      The CSV file must contain either of the columns RiskEventDescription or StdRiskEventID

      If the file contains the column StdRiskEventID, the resulting Risk Event will be based on the relevant Standard Risk Event to set defaults for:

      Probability of Failure (PoF)

      Risk calculation factors

      Consequences of Failure (CoF)

      The file may also contain any of the following columns; PoF or RiskFactor

      The CoFs are included in the file in columns headed CoF[nn], where [nn] is the ConsequenceID of the CoF that the column represents

See Risk Events for more details.