Importing Defects

You need to be familiar with the general rules on building CSV files for Bulk Data. See Setting up a CSV File|topic=Setting up a CSV File; document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx.

Use the following guidelines to assist in the creation of a properly formatted CSV file for importing Defect Inspections (not to be confused with Condition Inspections and Asset Inspections):

      The field names in the Header row (first row) must match the SQL Server column names in tblDefect and tblInspection but not InspectionID and DefectID, which are created by Conquest during the Import

      The first three columns must be AssetID,  InspectionDate and Inspector

      Columns for either DefectDescription or StdDefectID must be included

      When StdDefectID is included, the imported Defect will be based on that Standard Defect and contain its StdDefectID

      If the Standard Defect stipulates the creation of a Standard Action then an Action for the new Defect is generated

Things to be aware of:

An Import of Defects must be either:

      All based on Standard Defects, which are all of the same Attribute Set, or…

      None based on Standard Defects, in which case there is no Attribute Set data

Permission to Import Defects is given by Edit permission on either of Actions or Assets.