How To Create a Request

Requests can come into Conquest from an integration with a Customer Request App, or they can be entered into the Conquest Request Form.

Enter a Request

Step 1.   From the Tasks Window click on New > Request

Step 2.   Fill in the Request Form with details provided by the requestor

Step 3.   Optionally, assign an Organisation Unit  by selecting from the ‘Organisation Unit’ drop-list or use the one from the ‘Action Response’ Standard Action in step 4

Step 4.   Optionally, use an ‘Action Response’ Standard Action to create an Action for the Request, by selecting one from the picklist. The Organisation Unit from the Standard Action is then used for the Request’s Organisation Unit. You can do this at any time on an existing Request, by selecting an ‘Action Response’ Standard Action then clicking the Ellipsis Button on the right of the picklist.

Step 5.   If there are directions on where to go to attend to the Request, put them into the Location field

Step 6.   Click on the Send Email Task to email the Request to the Organisation Unit assigned

Step 7.   Click Save

Receive a Request

Step 1.   Having received an email for a Request, you can click on the Conquest Link, if there is one in the email, or use the Find Tool to copy and pasting the Request Reference ID field in from the email, which opens the Request Form

Step 2.   Click the Actions tab on the Request form to see details of any Actions already assigned

Step 3.   To create a new Action on the Request, click the Create Task in the Actions tab. See Actions, and also How to Create an Action

Step 4.   To Relate an existing Action to the Request, click the Relate Task in the Actions tab, which opens the Relate Form to find the Action. You can do many of these

Step 5.   Click Save

Things to be aware of:

The Organisational Hierarchy must already be set up, to allow a Request to be assigned to the relevant staff-role or department.  See How to Manage Organisational Structure for more details.

To use Request Responses, you need to set up Standard Actions that have the ‘Request Response’ checkbox ticked, so that they show ‘Action Response’ picklist.

The Email Merge Template must be configured before Emails can be sent.  See How to Use the Email Merge Editor for more details.

To make best use of the Request features some Views for New, un-Completed or overdue Requests for assignees will need to be created.  See How to Use the View Manager for more details.

By using the ‘Relate Requests’ Task on the Action form or ‘Relate Action’ Task on the Request, one or more Requests can be linked to an Action and one or more Actions linked to a Request.

Use the Customer Request form to record the details of any request for work on an Asset, either from a customer or from another department in the organisation. From such a Request, one or more Works Actions can be created on the Asset that the Request is for, to manage and record the actual work performed.

There are Options that your Administrator sets for Requests that will affect how you use them:

The first three are self explanatory but the last is less so. What it can be used for is, when your Organisation Hierarchy is based on roles rather than people and you select e.g. “Water Leaks Unit” as the assignee, you may also want to put in a more personal comment e.g. “Emma Steed is nearest this one”.