How To Manage the Organisational Structure

Use the Organisation Editor, as follows, to record your organisation’s hierarchical structure, so that Requests, Actions and Assets can be assigned to an Organisation Unit e.g. A Division, Team or Job Title:

Step 1.   Click on Knowledge Base in the Navigation Window

Step 2.   Click on Editors to expand the group

Step 3.   Click on Organisations

Creating Organisation Units

To create an Organisation Unit, you can:

Step 1.   Click New > Top Level Organisation Unit to start a new hierarchy of Organisation Units

Step 2.   Click on an Organisation Unit then click New > Organisation Unit

Step 3.   Follow the points below

Editing Organisation Units

To edit an existing Organisation Unit, locate and click it to open in the Organisation Editor

Step 1.   Enter an OBS Name, usually the name of the Organisation Unit, as it is known by in your organisation

Step 2.   Optionally enter:

      First Name


      User Field 1

      User Field 2


Step 3.   Click Save

Things to be aware of

The Organisation Editor cannot create duplicate rows but, should there be a 3rd party Organisation Management product interfacing with Conquest, or even the use of a SQL tool, the possibility of duplicate rows does exist. The latest version of the Management Console checks the Hierarchy tables during the Refresh System Objects function and, if there are duplicates, will produce a list for you to pass to Conquest Support for urgent attention.

Organisations are configured much the same as other hierarchies, except they are not physically deleted, just flagged.

Conquest users, who are represented by an Organisation Unit, can use a Conquest View to list all Requests or Actions assigned to such a Division, Team or Job Title by way of the Organisation Unit.  Similarly, Assets can be assigned an Organisation Unit to enable Conquest Views by area of responsibility.

Record the email address field for all applicable Organisation Units.  Commonly the Organisation Hierarchy includes divisional type breakdowns, which should be assigned an email address, possibly that of an administrative officer within the division, who could then delegate to the appropriate officer.

For some organisations it may be preferable to use position titles instead of staff names, so that Requests and Actions are assigned to a particular position rather than a person.  The email address for the position would be for the appropriate person. When personnel change, all that is needed is to change the email address rather than re-assigning Requests and Actions that have been assigned to the person leaving the position.