Standard Actions

A Standard Action belongs to an Asset Type in the Knowledge Base and provides Standard Work Instructions to be used as a template for new Actions, on Assets of that Asset Type.

When an Action is created from a Standard Action, it has all of the standard data, before additional data is added to it by Users.




The Description that you define for a Standard Action, which carries through to Actions created with it.

Action Type

Action Type sets the purpose of an Action:

    Unscheduled /Scheduled

Both of these are for one-off Actions and are used to help determine if work is reactive, or if there was some planning involved. This helps in filtering Actions for reporting purposes.


    Provides fields in the Schedule Configuration section, to define the cycle of operation

    When an Asset Type has a Standard Cyclic Action, for the purpose of documentation, it is a Cyclic Type

    Ticking the Create Cycle Automatically checkbox creates an Action Cycle for all ‘Existing’ Assets of the Asset Type that the Standard Cyclic Action is for, and for subsequent, new Assets. See Cyclic Action Views for details

    New Proposed Assets of Cyclic Type do not have a Cycle created

    When a Proposed Asset of Cyclic Type is made ‘Existing’, a Cycle is created for it

    If the Create Cycle Automatically checkbox is left unticked, the Action Cycle is to be started from existing and subsequent, new Assets by way of the Asset Form - Cyclic Actions Task. See Cycles by Asset for details

    If the Standard Action - Action Type is changed from ‘Cyclic’, you are warned before the Action Cycles are deleted

    If you delete a Standard Cyclic Action, you are warned before the Action Cycles and the Action Schedule are deleted. Existing Actions based on the deleted Standard Cyclic Action remain fully operational


Defines a Standard Action as being for Log Books, so provides related fields in the Schedule Configuration section:

    Log Book Reading When Action Is Due

e.g. 5000, to trigger a 5000 km service “Create Action” prompt. If there is more than one Log Book Standard Action that could be triggered by a Log Book Reading, only the one with the highest Log Book Reading When Action Is Due is triggered

    Reading For Advanced Warning

e.g. 500, so that a 5000 km service the Create Action prompt is triggered for a reading between 4500 and 5000

    Include Subsidiary Log Book Actions

Tick this so that, if there is more than one Log Book Standard Action that could be triggered by a Log Book Reading, the Action Notes on the Standard Actions with the lesser Log Book Reading When Action Is Due value, are combined with the Action Notes on the Log Book Standard Action with the highest Log Book Reading When Action Is Due value


A Valuation Action that, when Completed, converts an Asset from Proposed to Existing status and creates a Valuation Transaction

    New Works

A Valuation Action that records capital improvement works on an Asset and create a Valuation Transaction on the Asset. When Completed, this too can convert an Asset from Proposed to Existing status


A Valuation Action that partially or completely removes an Asset from the register, by giving it Disposed status. Performing an Action of this type will create a Valuation Transaction upon your Asset


For work based on the forecast deterioration of an Asset in the Conquest RSM. Applies purely to Standard Actions for the RSM and is not available for Conquest Standard Actions


The template for a Master Action

New Works

This checkbox lets you define any of the Action Types as capital improvement Actions thereby recording a a Valuation Transaction on completion. Note: New Works Action Type has this checked by default.

Request Response

Check this box if the Standard Action can be used to create an Action directly, when selected on a new Request.


Used to record a standard account/job number for the type of work.

Action Urgency

A standard Urgency for the type of work.

Unit of Measure

Specifying the cost’s unit of measure.

Organisational Unit

You can specify a member of your Organisation to be assigned these works when created.

Action Category

Choosing from this hierarchy for your Standard Action gives you access to the Contractors list and User Fields defined for this category.

Dimension to multiply rates by

When assigning resources to a Standard Action, the estimate of an Action based on it will be multiplied by the Dimension field



For Actions

A pointer to the location where the icon to be used is saved.

For Completed Actions

A pointer to the location where the icon to be used is saved.