How To Create an Action

Create an Action from the Asset Form:

      Click New > Action in the Tasks Window, to create an ad hoc Action,


      Click New > Action > Standard Action to start with predefined data

or right-click any of the following:

      An Asset in the Asset Explorer

      An Asset in a List

      A Favourite item

      A Recently Viewed item

      Click the New > Action option, to create an ad hoc Action, or:

      Click the New > Action > Action Standard Action option, to start with predefined data

Input the Action Data regarding works to be performed on the Asset.

Things to be aware of:

Ad hoc Actions require significantly greater user input, whereas Standard Actions are much easier because many data fields in are pre-populated. See Standard Actions and How to Set Up Standard Actions for details.|topic=How To Set Up Standard Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

Neither Action Types for Valuation e.g. New Works, Purchase, Disposal etc nor Standard Actions, which use such Action Types, are available for Actions on non-Valuation Assets because they don’t show in the picklists.