To create an Action from another Action

In the Action Form:

      Click the New Task in the Tasks Window, select 'Action’, then either:

      Select the 'Action’ option, which creates an ad hoc Action


      Input the Action Data regarding works to be performed on the asset

      Select from the list of Standard Actions to create a predefined Action

Things to be aware of:

The new Action Description includes the word “Succeeding” and is by default, related to the existing Action

Selecting Action Categories for Actions will give access to a variety of User Fields and the Contractors list.  The Action Category will need to be defined first. See How to Set Up Action Categories or Action Categories for details

If necessary, use the Send Email Task to generate an email message notifying the Organisation Unit assigned to the Action

To delete a Succeeding Action that was created in error, select it from a list and press the delete key

Ensure that Resources have been configured before attempting to assign them to Tasks. See How to Set Up Resources for details

The Action Type pick list has a number of different entries that could be broken down into three types of Actions:

      Scheduled and Unscheduled are “day to day” Actions, which mean they are created and managed as needed, and apply to general maintenance activities, for which a Standard Action has not been defined

      Cyclic, Repeatable and Log Book Actions are generated by a type of repetitive schedule; these are generally applied to Assets that require regular servicing or maintenance. See How to Configure and Use Cyclic Actions and How to Use Log Books for details

      Valuation Actions; Purchase, New Works and Disposal. See How to Manage Financial Data for details