How To Set Up Action Categories

Set up Action Categories as follows:

      Click on Knowledge Base in the Navigation Window

      Click on Editors to expand the group

      Click on Action Categories

Use the Action Category Editor as follows:

      To edit an existing category, navigate to it, expanding its parent(s) if it has them, then click on it to open it

      To create a new Category as a sub-category, navigate to and select the parent Category then click the New > Category Task

      To create a new Category as a Top Level Category click the New > Top Level Category Task

      Once a Category is selected (new or edited), provide organisation specific data by way of a preconfigured Action Attribute Set that defines the User Fields relevant to the Action Category being defined. See How To Maintain Action Attribute Sets for details

      Click Save

Things to be aware of:

If Contractors do the work for some Action Categories, create the relationship with the Contractors Form, so that when an Action Category is selected for an Action, Contractors assigned to the Action Category are available for selection from the Contractors drop-list in the Action Form.

See How to Set up Contractors and the Action Categories Reference for more information.