Asset Form Tasks

On an editable, Valuation Asset, except for those that are greyed out, the Tasks are as follows:

      New - Depending on the state of the Asset and on your permissions, the New Task is populated with all of the Data Objects that can be created for an Asset:

      Request see Requests

      Asset see Assets

      Log Book see How To Use Log Books

      Action see Actions

      Master Action see Action Form

      Defect see Defects

      Inspection see Standard Inspections

…continuing the Asset Form Tasks:

      Move Asset see Move Asset

      Copy Asset see Copy Asset

      Delete Asset will work on any Asset, as long as it does not have any dependents e.g. Actions or Defects that have not been Completed

      Log Book see Log Books

      New see How To Use Log Books

      Select gives a list of Log Books to select. See How To Use Log Books

      View opens the Log Book for the Asset. See How To Use Log Books

      Clear removes the Asset from a Log Book. See How To Use Log Books

      Copy Down see Copy Down

      Cyclic Actionssee Cyclic Actions

      Split Asset see Split Asset

      Replace Asset see Replace Asset

      Journal Entry see Journal Entry

      Asset Transactions see Asset Valuation Transactions

      Rollback Transactions see Rollback Transactions

      Reports gives a list of Conquest Reports that have been defined for the Asset Form

      Write to UserInterface puts the AssetID of the Asset Form into the User Interface table for use by Conquest Map

      TRIM Container see Trim Configuration

      Add to Favourites puts the selected Asset at the bottom of the Favourites List. See The Favourites List

On a non-valuation Asset some Tasks are hidden, or greyed out, and Retire Asset is enabled:

      Retire Asset see How To Retire An Asset