Split Asset Function

The Split Asset function applies to Assets configured with:

      A Valuation Asset Type

      A Dimension to Value By

      An Expiry Date

It makes two Assets out of one and creates appropriate financial values and transactions for both, including adjustment to a manually set Residual Value. The new Asset created by the Split is usually immediately edited to adjust its attributes.

Entering a reduced value in the measurement field of the Split Asset Form, creates a new Asset with the Valuation Status measurement set to the amount that the existing Asset is reduced by.

Two transactions are created for each Asset, representing the change in Capital Value and the change in Accumulated Depreciation.

All other Asset specific data is the same for both Assets but the original Asset retains the existing:








Current Measurement

Displays the data for the dimension field that is currently used for valuation.

New Measurement for Current Asset

This field is for recording the new measurement for the original Asset.  Conquest will then create financial transactions to adjust the valuation figures to reflect the new measurement.

New Measurement for New Asset

This is the valuation measurement for the duplicate Asset.  Transactions will be created on the duplicate that will value it based on this measurement.

Transaction Date

This is the date that the Asset was physically split.


Any notes about the reason for spitting Asset - can be useful for Auditing purposes.



Note: A Split on an Asset cannot be reversed, although the Rollback Transaction function will reverse the Valuation transactions. In the event that Assets have been Split accidentally, contact Conquest Support for assistance in reversing the effects.

There is also a bulk Split Asset function, to allow the import of a text file that will split any number of Assets.  See the Updating Assets section.