3.0400.0 - IT Requirements:

This version requires:

      A TLS certificate to be installed on the web server, to be used by Conquest III version 3.0400 and later

      The web server to have the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or later, installed on it

      The latest version of the Conquest Management Console

      Upgrade the Conquest database to version 3.4 with a SQL script from the Management Console, Management Console Products

      From the Management Console, update the Conquest Instances that you want to be on version 3.0400 then use the ‘Register’ function (new) to link it to Conquest Services

      Perform Update Licence from the Management Console, on the Conquest database of the web site being upgraded

      Perform Refresh System Objects from the Management Console, for the web site being upgraded. Select the Conquest database connection then select the 3.4.1 Data Objects to refresh

      If it is your intention to use the Conquest Mobile App, which runs on the Internet only, install the latest version of the Conquest API V2. See The Conquest API - v2 Installation Guide for details

      To use the Outlook Mail Client, Conquest workstations require the Conquest Desktop Extender version 1.3 to be installed. The installer is available from the Conquest Downloads page here

      Note: If the 1.02 version is no longer needed, uninstall it before you install 1.3. However, the two versions are compatible and can be installed alongside each other

Conquest Services - Customer Portal

      This release implements a revised Licensing Model. See Functionality Enhancements - Administration notes, for details. This change is to supplement the Conquest Android/iOS App, so that the Conquest Desktop App is aware of the licences in use by the Mobile App and vice versa, at all times

      Contacting the Conquest Customer Portal increases the time taken by Conquest III to load into the Web Server memory for the first use each day. To avoid having to experience this delay, it is recommended that the IIS Initialization Component is installed, configured and initialised. Contact Conquest Support, if you need assistance in doing this

      The Conquest Administrator must have a Conquest Services Account with the Customer Administrator role, to be able to use Conquest III. If this is not the case, contact Conquest Solutions Support

      Before Conquest Users can Login to Conquest III, the Conquest Administrator must use the Accounts and Permissions Form to register them in the Conquest Customer Portal. This process is described above in the Administration notes

      When a User logs into the Conquest Android/iOS App for the first time, they will be asked via email, to set their password