3.0400.0 - Functionality Enhancements


      Fixed a problem, where entering a Rate with more than 2 decimal places into the Action Form - Estimates and Costs tab, causes Internet Explorer to hang

      Inspection Program Tool, Map View pane, the Download checkbox now Saves, when ticked/unticked

      Both Users and Administrators now have the Apply Standard Action Task available on initial creation of an Action


      Changes to the Licensing Model to support the Conquest Android/iOS App:

      All Conquest User records must be updated with a valid email address, which conforms to the email domains recorded for your organisation in the Conquest Services Portal

      The existing User licence is now called Full User. It has the same characteristics as before:

      Can be an Administrator

      Can be given access to the Knowledge Base

      Can be given access to the Tools functionality

      Other access to data is through the Permissions Model

      New, End User licence is introduced:

      Cannot be an Administrator

      Has no access to the Knowledge Base

      Has no access to the Tools functionality

      Other access to data is through the Permissions Model

      The first step after the upgrade to version 3.0400 is for the Conquest Administrator to use the Accounts and Permissions Form to upload all of the Conquest Users to Conquest Services, which must be done for them to be able to continue to use Conquest, as follows:

      The Administrator of Conquest must already have a proper email address set to match with their Conquest Services account. If you haven’t set this, contact Conquest Solutions Support

      The Administrator of Conquest must already have a Conquest Services Account with the Customer Administrator role, to be able to use Conquest III. If you don’t have one, contact Conquest Solutions Support

      When you open the Accounts and Permissions Form, most Users will show as Not registered but pre-existing Customer Portal Users, who are also Conquest Users, and who have a correct email address, will show as registered

      For each unregistered User:

      Set the Email Address, if there is none, and click Save. It must be unique within your base of Users

      Check that the User details are correct then click Update Services, which will either create a Services Record or, if one already exists, update it

      Note: When a new Services Record is created, it has by default, a Services Role of ‘Customer’ and a Licence Level of ‘Full User’

After a User is linked with a Services Account, you will see that the Email Address has become Read Only. Changes to the Email Address can only be done with assistance from Conquest Support because it is the unique identifier between Conquest Services and Conquest Apps

      To make a User into an Administrator:

      Set their Licence Level to ‘Full User’

      Set their Services Role to Conquest Administrator

      In the General Permissions section tick the Administrator checkbox

      Click Save

      To change a User’s Licence Level to End User, select ‘End User’, which will force a save both locally and in Services. As a result, the Administrator checkbox will be become unticked and non-editable

      Note: If you set your own Account to have a Licence Level of ‘End User’, you will no longer be an Administrator after you exit the Accounts and Permissions Form

      There is a new System Option, for the Conquest Licence Expiry Warning, Administrators will continue to see the warning message from 14 days before expiry. The option is a droplist to select 1-14 as the number of days before non-administrators see the warning message

      Report Manager 'Manage Updates' no longer loses the expander on non-Categorised Reports


      Fixed a problem, when with many Asset Forms open, only the first to be edited could change Dimensions but the other Assets, Dimensions were Read Only

      Sorting of the Asset Transaction List has been disabled

      Replacement Cost History is now being populated

      The Batch Indexation Tool Percentage label has been changed to 'Set Percentage Increase'


      Fixed a problem, where the Next Defect Inspection Date was incorrectly calculated


      Fixed a problem, when adding a new Document, where selecting the file overwrites the entered description

      The Form to select an Icon file for an Asset Type or Standard Object has been improved

      Fixed a problem, where Saving changes in the View Manager took you back to the View Root instead of staying on the current item

      Fixed three issues with the Share Link button, where it was:

      Not showing on Views until a selection was made on the List

      Not working on Requests, when the Hide new Requests option was selected

      Not working on new Queries until refreshed

      Improvements to HPERM (Trim 9) integration fixed a problems:

      When adding a new Document to an Action, on Saving, it was no longer visible

      When adding a new Document with the same name as an existing Document, Conquest gave an exception error instead of a message about the duplication

      The Contact Support item in the Conquest Main Menu, is now available to all Users, not just to Administrators

      Import Manager

      Server Side Extensions for Defects are now applied by the Import Manager, when importing Defects