Management Console Products

After you log in, the Management Console is ready to provide you with the Products and Extension Modules that you have licences for:

There are three categories of Product:


      Conquest Api v1

      Conquest Api v2

      Conquest III

      Conquest Management Console


      Compiled C# Module of organisation specific functionality

      Other - primarily for Database Scripts

      Database Scripts

      Upgrade Database script - multiple source versions e.g. 2.59 to 3.4, to run in SQL Server Management Studio

      Create Database script - latest version

      Extensions Module - Source Code

Things to be aware of:

      Conquest III versions before 3.0330 are not managed with the Management Console even though they are visible in it. If you want to upgrade to a later version from 3.0330 onwards, use the Windows Programs and Features tool to uninstall the old version then install the new version with the Management Console

      Only web sites that are sourced from Conquest Solutions are visible in the Management Console list