How To Perform a Condition Inspection

Step 1.   Open the Asset Form for an Asset that you want to record a Condition Inspection for as follows:

      Click on it in the Asset Explorer. See Asset Explorer for details, or

      Double-Click on it in a Standard List of Assets. See How To Use a Standard List for more details, or

      Click on it in the Favourites List. See The Favourites List for more details, or

      Click on it in the Recently Viewed List. See The Recently Viewed List for more details

Step 2.   Click the Edit button

Step 3.   Click on the Inspection Tab, where you will see three or more grey, expander bars

Step 4.   Expand the Condition Inspection bar, to see the Current Condition Inspection section:

Step 5.   Click on the Calendar button next to the Inspection Date field and select the date of the Inspection. At this point, Conquest will set the Next Inspection date based on the settings in the Asset Type. See Asset Form - Inspection Tab for details

Step 6.   Click the Save button

Step 7.   If there was a previous date, you can create a History record of the Asset’s data

Step 8.   You can review previous Condition Inspections by clicking on their “Magnifying Glass” icon:

Step 9.   View each category of history data by clicking on the Arrowhead on the left

Step 10. Click the “Magnifying Glass” icon again to collapse the history panel

Step 11. Now that the Inspection data and History has been done, you can record the Condition. For details on the two Condition Type methods see Asset Condition

Step 12. Enter the Condition attributes that were collected during the Inspection:

      Change the Condition by Weighted Average


      Change the Condition by Percentage Distribution

In the same operation you can also change ‘User Fields’ data

Condition Data by Weighted Average

Step 1.   For an Asset with a Weighted Average Condition rating from an earlier Inspection performed in CMTPC, where the Inspector adjusted the Condition selections, adjust the settings as follows:

Condition Data by Percentage Distribution

Step 1.   For an Asset with a Condition Distribution (%) Condition rating from an earlier Inspection performed in CMTPC, where the Inspector set the percentages, adjust them as follows:

Step 2.   Make sure they add up to 100%:

Step 3.   Click Save

Things to be aware of:

Inspectors can see the Assets that are due for Condition Inspections from a Favourite View with a Filter of; ‘Next Inspection’ less than or equal to ‘Today’. For details see:

      How To Create a View

      The Favourites List

      How To Use a View

      How To Use The Filter Builder

The Inspection Date in the Current Condition section, relates to the attribute data of the Asset, specifically the Condition attributes.