How To Set Up Standard Actions

Set up Standard Actions as follows:

Step 1.   Click on Knowledge Base in the Navigation Window

Step 2.   In the Asset Type Explorer, select the desired Asset Type

Step 3.   Select the New > Standard Action Task, which will create a Standard Action to be completed

Step 4.   Select the type of Action from the Action Type drop down list. Some of these support special Activities to be entered accordingly:

      Log Book Actions
For Asset Types such as Vehicles and Pumps, which require regular maintenance based on Readings of their usage. See Standard Actions for more details

      Cyclic Actions

      Valuation Actions

Step 5.   Select an Action Category to provide user defined attributes

Step 6.   Put or select values into other relevant fields as desired.  See Standard Actions for details

Things to be aware of:

A comprehensive and well used set of Standard Actions reduces repetitive data entry, when you create Actions, and gives consistency in the resulting Action data.

Most organisations have standard work activities defined for their accounting system, which are usually a good place to start on the creation of Standard Actions; where Activity or Job Numbers already familiar to Users, can be recorded.

Resources, which will be allocated to Action Tasks need to be configured before creating the Standard Actions to use them.

How To Set Default Values for Standard Action User Text Fields

You can link a User Text field of a Standard Action with Asset data, to provide a default value every time an Action is created from the Standard Action

Step 1.   Click on Knowledge Base in the Navigation Window

Step 2.   Expand the Editors group

Step 3.   Expand Attribute Sets

Step 4.   Expand Action

Step 5.   Click the Attribute Set to have a Default Value field

Step 6.   Edit the Label of the desired fields
In this example we are labelling UserText1 as “Asset Address”:

Step 7.   Click Save then close the the Attribute Set Editor

Step 8.   Select the Asset Type Explorer then navigate to the Asset Type of the Standard Action which uses the Attribute Set that we just modified

Step 9.   Expand the Standard Actions group

Step 10. Select the Standard Action, which is to have the Default Value field

Step 11. Enter the definition for the Default Value, to be obtained from an Asset e.g. A concatenation of; some Asset Address fields, commas and spaces:

Step 12. Click Save

Step 13. Open an Asset that is to have an Action based on the Standard Action that we have just modified:

Step 14. Click New > Action > Footpath Remedial Work:

Step 15. Complete the Action form.
Notice how the Default Values that are already present in the Action created from the above example Standard Action:

Step 16. Click Save

Things to be aware of:

The names of the Asset Table Columns are available in the Conquest Data Dictionary Report, which is available from Conquest Help in PDF form. It’s a lot of pages, so just search for what you want in the PDF, rather than printing it. See Data Dictionary for details.

Changes that you make to the value that was created in the UserText Field are permanent.