Conquest 3

Conquest 3 is a Rich Internet Application based on first class programming languages, Microsoft C#.Net and Silverlight to run on a Microsoft Windows Server with Internet Information Services (Web Server).

An instance of the Conquest application is installed on a Web Server, which makes it available to workstations within the intranet and, if required, on the Internet.

Workstations need a Web Browser and a one-off install of the Microsoft Silverlight runtime, for users to access Conquest 3. There is no dependency on ODBC, the Windows Registry or Microsoft Office products.

Significant points about the Conquest App are:

      Two levels of Microsoft Windows security are available on the Server Side

      There is no need to pre-install and configure the Conquest software on Silverlight equipped workstations. Registered Conquest Users, run Conquest from their Web Browser, with a Web Address (URL) to their Conquest Web Site

      SQL Server is used for permanent data storage

      SQL Server Reporting Services underlies the Conquest Reports module

      User defined validations and interfaces use the Open-source, Iron Python language, which is integrated with Conquest 3 in the Extensions module

      Conquest 3 uses Microsoft Windows authentication to run securely both inside and outside of the Corporate Active Directory Network and can be made even more secure with:

      Transport Layer Security version 2 via “https”

      Microsoft Kerberos authentication:

      It is a newer technology than NT LAN Manager (NTLM)

      Is Faster than NTLM

      Uses Mutual Authentication – client to service/service to client

      Is Open Standard

      Uses delegated Services to decrease the opportunity for misuse/mischief

      Is Smart card logon capable, which protects passwords


Conquest follows the high level, application architecture guide published by Microsoft, as follows:

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

Conquest 3 is based on a Web Server model, with the application installed on a Web Server then accessed by many Web Browser sessions. It can be installed more than once, or on multiple Web Servers to meet Production, Testing and Development requirements. See Install Conquest 3 for details.

How much resource should the Web Server have to run Conquest 3, is a question we are often faced with. There is a lot involved in the performance equation, suffice to say that the server will require to be monitored as to whether there is enough processing power and memory available for the mix of applications running on it during the known, peak usage times. Performance can also be affected by other associated servers; the SQL Server and the Report Server, either of which can potentially be a bottleneck. The number of Client Workstation sessions also has an effect.

Conquest Software does provide 'High Level Design’ and 'Build and Configuration’ documents for organisations requiring them.

SQL Server Data

Conquest 3 data is stored in the Microsoft SQL Server database management system, commercial versions, from 2012 onwards or alternatively the SQL Express version, which although free is limited in capacity and performance, therefore not recommended.

The “Change Data Capture” feature of the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server is compatible with Conquest 3.

File System Servers

The Document Store and any other network File Repositories needed by Conquest.

SQL Server Reports

Conquest 3 Reports, both standard and custom, are stored in the Conquest 3 database to be executed on the SQL Reporting Services server, which can share the same SQL Server instance as the Conquest 3 database or be on a different instance, different machine.

Client side

Conquest 3 runs on a Microsoft Windows computer in a Web Browser that supports the Microsoft Silverlight 5 Runtime, such as Internet Explorer.

One way to provide users with Conquest 3 is with a Windows Desktop Shortcut to the Conquest 3 URL e.g. “http://Your-Server-Name-Or-IP-Address/Conquest 3” (recommended)

There are parameters than can be applied to the URL to force “Kiosk” or full screen mode if so desired.

First time Use

First time use will take longer than subsequent uses because the client-side caches have to be created.

Conquest 3 requires the Microsoft Silverlight 5 Runtime to have been installed. If it has not been installed, Conquest 3 will request to install it via a button, “Install Microsoft Silverlight” in the top left of the browser window. However, unless the User’s account has Administrator privilege, they will not be able to do the install without their IT Department’s help.

Subsequent Usage

Conquest 3 will normally start quickly unless the workstation is of a low specification or is very busy, in which case the Conquest 3 progress meter may be visible for some time.

Migration from Conquest II

Migrating from Conquest II to Conquest III is a one-off upgrade project. The following points each needs to be given considered analysis with the assistance of the Conquest Support team:

      Server Side roles to be configured

      Server Side security to be configured

      File Systems to be consolidated e.g. Documents and imagery

      In many cases there are Custom reports to be migrated

      In some cases, there are existing Integrations to convert

      In some cases, there is document data to be converted

The Management Console is an auxiliary tool for IT departments, downloadable from the Conquest Software web site and installable on one or more Windows Servers. With it they can deploy and manage one or more Conquest web server based products, swiftly and easily. See the Management Console for details.

It has no Asset Management functionality.

It has no dependency on the use of the Windows Installer.

To use the Management Console, the following are required:

      Internet Access

      An Account in the Conquest Software main Web Site that has been granted the “IT” role

      A Microsoft Windows account with local administration permission, that is registered in Conquest as a Conquest Administrator and has access to the Conquest database with the ConquestAdmins and dbowner Roles