Management Console

The Conquest Management Console is a 64 bit App for IT, to quickly and easily manage Conquest products. If you already have it, you won’t need to get it again, because you can keep it up to date with its Update function.


Step 1.   Make sure that the prerequisites have been met, as described in the Web Server Prerequisites section

Step 2.   Acquire or upgrade your Sign In Credentials in the form of a Conquest Support email address e.g. and password. Pre-existing credentials in the Conquest Support system are not accepted by the Management Console until they are upgraded. Contact the Conquest Support team to provide or upgrade your credentials, to Customer IT Administrator

Step 3.   From your web browser, go to the Conquest web site, Downloads page and select the Conquest Management Console

Step 4.   Click the Download link

Step 5.   When asked, execute the Conquest.ManagementConsole.App, responding “Yes” to User Account Control:

Step 6.   When asked for the path to install to, change it or accept it then click ‘Install’:

Step 7.   Start the Management Console

Step 8.   Enter your Conquest Services credentials:

Keeping Up To Date

From time to time, you will be advised of an update to the Management Console.

Step 1.   Click the Update Notification message to the left of the Configuration Menu, to perform the update:

Step 2.   Enter your Conquest Services credentials

Management Console Settings

The “Cog” widget on the top right of the Management Console provides options for:

      Sign Out - This is a good practice, rather than just closing the App

      Console Settings - Opens a Configuration Form, in which the ‘Release’ checkbox is usually all you’ll need:

If your web browser settings include a specific Proxy Server, tick the ‘Use the System Proxy’ checkbox

      Backups - Opens the Backups by Product Form, which lists web sites that have been Removed.

From the list, a Backup can be selected and Deleted, or Opened in a Windows file browser, to provide the subfolders that were in the App_Data folder of the Removed web site, for your inspection:

      Support - Opens the ‘Support’ Form to access the log files:

      About - Opens the About Form:

Management Console Products

After you log in, the Management Console is ready to provide you with the Products and Extension Modules that you have licences for:

There are three categories of Product:



      Other - primarily for Database Upgrade Scripts

Things to be aware of

Conquest III versions before 3.0330 are not managed with the Management Console even though they are visible in it. If you want to upgrade to a later version from 3.0330 onwards, use the Windows Programs and Features tool to uninstall the old version then install the new version with the Management Console