IIS Permissions

Typically, the Asset Management team members belong to a Security Group, which must be given permissions as follows:

      Read/Write to the network folders that Conquest 3 gets resources from, as follows:

      The ‘Document Directory’ specified in the Conquest System Options, and its sub-folders
Note: Conquest 3 on the Web Server relies on a single UNC path definition for the location of general files attached to Conquest Objects such as Assets and Defects. However, Conquest II allowed multiple locations, although this is not recommended. In the event that such documents are stored in multiple locations, they will need to be consolidated to the Documents Folder location and their path information in the Conquest database updated accordingly.


      The ‘Work Order Snapshot Folder’ specified in the Conquest System Options

      The Icons folder(s)

      Files attached to Assets, Actions etc. by full UNC path, where the files are not in the ‘Document Directory’

      Modify to the “App_Data” folder e.g. “\\Server\inetpub\www\conquest\CQxxxxx\App_Data”. Conquest Software recommends that a parent folder is created before the installation is done, solely for Conquest software e.g. “\\Server\inetpub\www\conquest”, and to give inheritable permissions to it

      Read: to the SQL Server Reporting Services, Reports folder

      Granted access to the Conquest database, a Conquest role, also the db_owner role for Administrative users

      Enabled for Exchange Relaying with e-mail addresses derived from within Conquest

Note: Do not change the permissions given to the IIS “MACHINENAME\IIS_IUSRS” account by the Conquest 3 Installer for files and folders in the Server Side application path.

When using pass-through authentication, in addition to the security group where the team members belong, an additional account is recommended to impersonate anonymous authentication on the Image Proxy setup. Such account needs:

      Read permissions to the ‘Document Directory’ folder