Action Tab

This is the default tab that is displayed when an Action is created or opened:

      Action Details


      Action Details

      Costing Details

User fields are defined by the Attribute Set of the Action’s Action Category and are configured from the Knowledge Base Tools. See Action Categories for details.


      Standard Action Notes. When an Action is generated from a Standard Action with notes, they are included here

      Action Notes. Notes specific to the Action are entered here, in addition to the Standard Action Notes

Data Descriptions - Header



Action Description

A description of the work to be performed.

Standard Action

The Standard Action used to create the Action.





Reference ID

A Conquest generated, unique Reference ID for an Action.

Action Description

A description of the work to be performed, created by any of the following:

    User entered

    Transferred  from the description of the Request, that the Action is created for, restricted by the limit set in the Options Form, Number of character of a Request used in Action Description

    From a Standard Action, which helps to provide the Action data in a consistent manner.

Appended far-right, with the System Generated ActionID

Standard Action

Description of the Standard Action used to create this Action.

Master Action

Combined Reference ID and Master Action Description, if the Action is a Sub-Action. Otherwise not shown.

To relate an Action to a Master Action, choose the Select Master Action Task, to open a list of available Master Actions to select from.

For more details on Master Action go to this How to create a Master Action from a List


Asset Description, appended far-right, with the System Generated AssetID.

An Action without an allocated Asset cannot be Completed. 

Asset Type

Asset Type Description, appended far-right, with the System Generated TypeID.

If the Action was created from a Request and the Asset is not known, or if the Asset has no Asset Type, this field is blank.




Asset Location

This is for recording the location of the problem. This will have the location specified on the Request, if created from a Request, or from the Asset.

Action Type

A picklist of the types of Actions that are available for an Asset, or as defined by a Standard Action.



For Actions created on Proposed Assets. Completing a Purchase Action sets the Asset’s status to Existing.

The purchase cost as specified on the completion form, becomes the starting value of the Asset, displayed in the Original Cost and Accumulated Capital Works fields.

This is a Valuation Action, so Completing it creates the appropriate valuation transactions on the Asset.



This type has little impact on the behavior of the Action, though useful for filtering. Used on day to day Actions for breakdowns or other unforeseen events.



Scheduled Actions have special purpose, when used in conjunction with the RSM module.


New Works

For Actions created on Existing or Proposed Assets, to record capital improvement works.

This is a Valuation Action, so Completing it will increase the value in the Accumulated Capital Works field on the Asset Form, by the Action Cost amount, and create the appropriate valuation transactions on the Asset.

When used on a Proposed Asset, the completion process will update the Asset Status to Existing.



Can only be used on an Existing Asset.

This is a valuation Action to partially or completely remove an Asset from the Asset Register.

Completing the Action will create a valuation transaction on the Asset and change the Asset Status to Disposed.

Created By

The Username of the User, who created the action.

New Works

Tick this, if the Work to be performed is going to result in a change to the valuation figures of the Asset i.e. a capital improvement. Can be used for Purchase, New Works and Disposal Actions.

Repeatable Action

Tick this, to make the Action Dates tab available, to define a schedule of repetitions for the Action. See  Repeatable Actions for details.


For Filtering and Reporting on Actions.

Organisation Unit

Used to assign the Organisation Unit, to whom the Action has been assigned, if the Action was not created from a Request, in which case it is transferred from there.

See Organisational Units for more details.


For selection of a pre-defined location from the Location Hierarchy.

Action Category

Action Category is used to categorise Actions, provide the User Fields defined in the Action Category’s Attribute Set and to set the Contractors, who are allowed to undertake the work.

Can be set by a Standard Action. See Action Categories for details.


A picklist of Contractors available for the Action Category selected.


A picklist of Sub-Contractors for the selected Contractor. See Contractors for details.


Pick the Action’s level of Urgency from this list. Can come from a Request, or Standard Action.

Action Urgencies are defined in the System List - Action Urgency. See the Code Editor for details.

Planned Start

This is the date for commencement of work on an Action, defaulting to the current date unless the Action was created from a Defect that has a response time set.

Planned Finish

This is the expected finish date of the work for an Action. Must be set for Actions to be used in the Conquest Work Planner. See Work Planner for details.

Action Status

A User Define Picklist configured in the Code Editor. Typical entries show at what stage the Action is at (e.g. Waiting for approval, Ready for issue, etc). See the Code Editor for details.

Next Task Due

The date entered here is normally used in relation to the Action Status entry.

Appr. Requested

The date an Approval is requested for an Action, with the Request Approval Task. If the System Option, Lock Actions at Request Approval option is selected, Request Approval disallows further detail changes to the Action.

Issue Date

The date an Action is Issued, with the Issue Work Order Task. If the System Option, Lock Actions at Issue option is selected, when the Action is Issued, further detail changes to the Action are disallowed.

The Reverse Work Order Issue business rule:

•           Is only available to Administrators:

•           Is only applicable to Actions where the Issue Date is set but the Action has not been completed

•           Clears the Issue Date for the Action and, if it is a Master Action, any of its Sub-Actions (checking that the Sub-Actions have not been Completed, in which case the entire procedure fails)

•           Deletes any saved Snapshots or PDFs of the Work Order

Costing Details



Estimated/Actual Quantities

These two fields record the quantity of material, instead of using the more detailed Action Tasks and Resource Assignment estimates defined in the Estimates and Costs tab.

Use ActionEstQuantity as the column heading, when importing this data via the Import Manager.

Estimated Cost

The sum of Estimated Cost values from the Estimates and Costs tab.

Actual Cost

A copy of the Action Cost field shown on the Completion tab.

Tax Asset

The Tax Asset, to which an Action is associated. This will only apply if the add-on module Conquest Tax is in use.


A job number, cost centre or the like is recorded here. Can be defined by a Standard Action.

Purchase Order

To record the number generated by a Finance system for a Purchase Order on an Action.

Contract Number

To record the Contractor under which the Action was issued.