How To Use Repeatable Actions

First create an Action from a Standard Action, or as an Ad Hoc Action. See How To Create an Action for details.

      Make adjustments to details in the Action Form as necessary

      Tick the Repeatable Action check box in the Action Details section, which displays the Action Dates tab

      Click the Action Dates tab

      If you want the values in your Action User Fields to carry over to the Succeeding Action that is created, when you Complete this Action, tick the ‘Copy User Fields To Succeeding Actions’ checkbox

      If you want attached documents, to carry over to the Succeeding Action that is created, when you Complete this Action, tick the ‘Copy Document Links To Succeeding Actions’ checkbox

      From the Dates section of the Task Window, click New Schedule

      Select the Schedule Type:

      Select ‘Limited’ if the schedule is for a fixed number of cycles

      Select ‘Unlimited From Start Date’ to make the schedule use the Action Start Date to begin with

      Select ‘Unlimited From Completion Date’ to make the schedule use the Action Completion Date to begin with

      Select the time unit from the Unit column e.g. Month

      Set the Duration (Interval) of time units:

Things to be aware of:

Repeatable Actions are an integral part of forecasting work plans and budgets. Refer to Action Forecasting for more info.

If a Master Action is a Repeatable Action, it cannot have Repeatable Sub-Actions.

If a Master Repeatable Action and its Sub-Actions are all Completed, a new Master Repeatable Action is created with new Sub-Actions, all on the Master Action schedule not their own.

When completing a Master Action, if there are repeatable Sub-Actions, a message will pop-up, asking if a new Master Action is to be created for them:

      If Yes, the new Master Action will have new repeatable Sub-Actions automatically assigned, based on those completed on the preceeding Master Action

      If No, the new Sub-Actions will be created but will not be assigned to any Master Action and can then be managed individually.   If subsequently a Master Action is created from the preceeding Master Action, the new Sub-Actions will be attached to it