Organisational Units

Conquest Organisational Units provide a hierarchy, from which the assignment of a particular section or individual in your Organisation, to an Asset, Action or Request, can be made.

To add a new item, you can start a new Top Level by clicking New > Top Level Organisation Unit, or select an existing Location then click New > Organisation Unit. Enter the details then Save.



OBS Name

This is the Organisational Unit name given to either a Divisional/Business Group or an Individual.

OBS Code

System generated code number to determine determine an Organisational Unit’s position in the hierarchy.

User Field 1

For storing a User Defined identifier.

User Field 2

For storing a User Defined identifier.

First Name

Can be used to record the First Name of an Individual. Useful in personalising any email's to an Organisational Unit.


The Email address of an Organisational Unit. You can put more than one if you wish, by separating them with a semi-colon, so that email goes to all.


Create a full description of the Location here.