Work Planner

Conquest III provides valuable, in-depth data for the creation, allocation and monitoring of work in the form of Actions, it is “textual”, Forms based information.

The Conquest Work Planner enables the Asset Manager to visualise the schedule and assignment of Actions, over a timeline and easily adjust them to improve service delivery. It is a Conquest Software “Cloud Service” and requires:

      The client workstation be permitted to access “” via the Internet. The application is self-contained, having no dependence on other web resources

      The Conquest API, available from the Management Console, to be installed on the Conquest III web server

      Conquest III System Options to be set for access to the API and to the Work Planner e.g.

The Work Planner is suitable for all Types of Assets, where Conquest Actions are being used for Works Management. It is driven by three fundamental attributes of Actions and can change them, as the Asset Manager sees fit:

      Start Date

      Finish Date

      Organisation Unit assigned to do the work

Therefore, it is best used on Actions that have been set up with:

      Accurate Start Date and Finish Dates

      An Organisation Unit

      A clear and concise description

      The Sub-Actions of a Master Action, have accurate Start and Finish Dates within those of their Master

The Work Planner is launched by clicking the ‘Work Planner’ Task, available from:

      A ‘View List’ of Actions, which can include Master Actions and their Sub-Actions, as well as Standalone Actions

      A Master Action open in the Action Form

      A Master Action any List of Actions

      A Master Action in the Favourites or Recently Viewed items

All Sub-Actions, regardless of being Completed are shown with their Master. When a Master Action is selected in the Work Planner, it is checked to see if its Start and Finish Dates cover the range of its Sub-Actions’ Start and Finish Dates. If they don’t, the Work Planner asks if it can adjust them.

On the Work Planner’s “Planning Surface” the ‘Organisation Unit’ panel on the left displays the subset of Organisation Units that relate to the Actions, which keeps the overall display compact.

Changes to Actions made with the Work Planner are immediately applied to the Conquest database and will show in Conquest III:

      In the Action Form

      In Lists, Views, Queries and Reports

Details on using the Work Planner are provided in the How To Use The Work Planner section.